How to Stay Fit Post 40

How to Stay Fit Post 40

If you want to stay fit over 40, 50 even 60 and beyond, there a few simple exercise and diet tweaks which will prove beneficial.  Even if you've previously enjoyed an active, healthy lifestyle, once you reach the big 4-0 and beyond, it's likely that you'll notice things start to change a little.

You may find it harder to shift any unwanted weight, thanks to the age related slowing of the metabolism, a deceleration that becomes more pronounced after 40, slowing by about 5% every decade. You may also notice it's harder to maintain muscle mass; we lose 3-8% of our muscle mass every decade after the age of 30.
You may notice staying fit and healthy becoming more of a focus during midlife.  With the demands of work, family and personal lives demanding high energy levels, good mobility and all-round wellbeing.  In addition, what you do now will set you up for a healthy old age. Regular exercise and a healthy diet will result in improved mental and physical health into your 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond.
So when it comes to getting and staying fit at 40, what are the steps you need to take?  No worries, it's absolutely possible, just have to readjust previous routines for your gracefully aging biological machine of a body.
Train Your Body For What You Want to Do

Studies have shown to stay fit in your 40s and beyond, you need to exercise regularly ideally two to three times a week.  What does this look like?  Train for what you like.  The term Functional Fitness has been a bit overused, but it is relevant to the over 40 crowd.  Are you a tennis player?  Play more tennis, get your heart rate up, do lateral work, work on your fast twitch muscles, work sprints into your cardio routine.  The point is, workouts should be in-keeping with your lifestyle choices.
Getting fitter, trimming fat and losing those inches off your waistline isn’t achieved from spending two hours straight in the gym in a one-off session. 
Eat More Protein


Protein is essential for post-workout muscle recovery, a fact that becomes more important the older we get.

A review in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism reported that various studies have outlined how older athletes (those aged 40 and over) suffered impaired post-exercise recovery, and therefore needed more protein that their younger counterparts.

Some of the studies cited stated that, while younger athletes needed only 20g of protein for recovery, the needs of those in the older cohort were significantly higher: around 35 to 40g.  And it's not just recovery where protein is important. It also helps keep you feeling fuller for longer (thus reducing the temptation to reach for processed food and caffeine) and builds more muscle, which in turn increases your metabolic rate, boosting your energy levels and helping to fuel your exercise.

Good sources of protein include lean meats such as chicken and turkey, beans, lentils, legumes, fish and tofu and whey protein sources, such as . When preparing meats, be sure to opt for healthier cooking methods such as grilling or air-frying.


Another great source of protein are protein powders, whether added to post-workout smoothies or enjoyed as occasional meal substitutes. Body Fuse Lean Protein is an excellent source of protein at 33 g per serving.

Workout to Gain Muscle

In addition to your functional fitness program and upping your protein intake, it's also important to factor strength training into your workout routine in order to build and preserve muscle.  LIFT HEAVY THINGS.

As stated earlier, muscle mass decreases around 3-8% every decade after the age of 30.  However, if we can maintain muscle mass, many chronic health conditions, cardiovascular disease, pre-diabetes, Alzheimer's are reduced drastically.


Along with reducing chronic illness, the benefits of weight training and resistance exercise for the 40 plus population are numerous, but here are the main reasons why you should be working out with resistance…

  • Decreased risk of all-cause mortality.
  • Increased muscle mass = increase resting metabolic rate
  • Increased mobility and functionality.
  • Improved bone health.
  • Improved cognitive function and health.
  • Improved glucose control and nutrient sensitivity.
  • Improved hormonal environment.
  • Preserve metabolic rate.

If you are over 40 and struggling a bit with your weight, health and fitness, implement the simple suggestions above and start feeling like your goals are attainable.  Remember, you likely still have half of your very full life in front of you, remember to keep moving and with some small adjustments, your quality of life can be better than ever.



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